health brain and hearing

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Adapted Living Utensils

adapted utensils


Adaptive tableware, flatware and silverware including forks, spoons, knives, and other adaptive utensils for increased dinning independence. Large grip handles and other adapted utensils can help increase self feeding, eating independently, and feeding independence.

I used many different variations of adapted utensils during my time in adult social care, these products are simple but very effective they enabled the user to go from needing assistance to eat to being totally independent.

Just by supplying someone with the correct equipment can make all the difference in the care package that is supplied, by empowering the person to be able to eat unassisted, in allows more time for the support worker to be doing other things.

Time was always a problem in care work as we as support workers are only allocated a certain amount of time with the people we support, so anything that promotes independence helps us to be able to provide more support in other areas.

Adapted Utensils come in many shapes and form, lease see some images below.

adapted untensils

adapted utensils

As you can see simple but highly effective.
Some of the variations are also suitable for children, I don't know about you but I remember having some sort of large rubber thing on my knife and fork 😊.

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